Are you an Abide Addict? You can display your love and support for Abide Culture Coffee Roasters with one of our super rad Abide Drip Icon decals.
How to apply the Abide Culture Drip:
1. using window cleaner or rubbing alcohol, clean the surface area where you are going to apply the Abide Culture Drip [a clean, cool, dry surface is the best surface].
2. peel the paper backing off the sticky side of the decal, leaving the cut vinyl on the transfer tape.
3. commit to the placement of the decal and apply the Abide Drip with the sticky side down.
4. firmly rub across the transfer tape to help adhere the vinyl
How to apply the Abide Culture Drip:
1. using window cleaner or rubbing alcohol, clean the surface area where you are going to apply the Abide Culture Drip [a clean, cool, dry surface is the best surface].
2. peel the paper backing off the sticky side of the decal, leaving the cut vinyl on the transfer tape.
3. commit to the placement of the decal and apply the Abide Drip with the sticky side down.
4. firmly rub across the transfer tape to help adhere the vinyl
[a hard-edge, squeegee, or credit card helps].
5. slowly, at an angle, carefully remove the transfer tape. if the decal is not sticking to the surface, repeat step 4.
6. take a picture of the Abide Culture Drip and post the image to social media and tag us [@abideculturecoffee].
7. represent!
Created in-house. Locally made in North Idaho.
5. slowly, at an angle, carefully remove the transfer tape. if the decal is not sticking to the surface, repeat step 4.
6. take a picture of the Abide Culture Drip and post the image to social media and tag us [@abideculturecoffee].
7. represent!
Created in-house. Locally made in North Idaho.