Rembrandt, Picasso, and Dürer

Today, we were able to visit the Jundt Art Center and Museum at Gonzaga. A few weeks back, we were able to hear a lecture by Makoto Fujimura and view his exhibit. It was a little different this time around.

Since our girls are studying art and have had some assignments on different subjects revolving around the different types of art — one being an 'Art Grant Project' — today, we were fortunate, as a class, to see how etching and printing worked together, and the different types of printmaking: relief, intaglio, lithography, and screenprinting. Karen, a curator that works for the museum, was our guide as we discussed and studied pieces by Rembrandt, Picasso, and Dürer. As the discussion continued, we saw and learned different techniques and different mediums. From there, the students were given the task of sketching a print of their choosing.

I really enjoyed Rembrandt’s (esp.) and Durer’s prints! Rembrandt is becoming a favorite for me.