Makoto Fujimura
This year, one of the subjects that our daughters are studying, in their Classical Conversations class, is on art. With these studies, they are looking at different art periods — the Renaissance Period, the Reformation, the Baroque Period, and others — and how artists and their work intermingled with the Church. Along with the studies of these different periods, they have to compare art pieces of their choosing. One book, 'Marvelous to Behold', which is a Classical Conversations publication, features 12 artists including Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarrati. Included in this book is Makoto Fujimura.
The Jundt Art Center and Museum at Gonzaga, in Spokane, Washington, has a limited time solo art exhibition featuring Makoto Fujimura. On October 4th, Makoto visited the exhibition for a lecture, Q&A, and a private walk through of the exhibit where we were able to converse one on one.
We were fortunate to be able to attend this special time.