Beauty in the Chaos

February. Night sky. 17°F. Fresh snow lays underfoot as lights dance above. We watch and talk as the show unfolds. Darkness surrounds. Engulfs. Envelops.
Electrical. Magnetic. Bands of color arch and weave across our Northern hemisphere. Aurora Borealis. Latin. Aurora: 'dawn' or 'morning light'. Borealis from the root word "boreal" simply means 'northern'. "Morning light coming from the North."
“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens!
Let Your glory be over all the earth!”
— Psalm 57:11
— Psalm 57:11
Weaver's beam paints winter's vault. Kaleidoscope of colors. Stretch and thins. Ancient light leaks; pin pricks bespeckle black background.
There is beauty in the chaos.
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
the sky above proclaims His handiwork.”
— Psalm 19:1
— Psalm 19:1