Abide Hollow: Coffee Cupping and Fare Fellowship

Last night's roast becomes today's cup. Yesterday's incense becomes today's aroma. An afternoon with family and friends becomes an evening of food, fellowship, and coffee cupping. Italian meal shared. Potluck style. Delectables made from scratch.
Sol meets horizon. Colors etch the sky as sun sets. Teaching. Leading. Learning. Guiding. Cupping utensils. Pencil to paper. Recorded thoughts of notes tasted. Discussion around the counter. Questions. Answers. Triangle testing. Smell. Crack the crust. Sip. Brew. Dessert. Coffee and sweets. Night falls. Talk turns to apologetics and theology. Analog life. Spring stars shine.

Sol meets horizon. Colors etch the sky as sun sets. Teaching. Leading. Learning. Guiding. Cupping utensils. Pencil to paper. Recorded thoughts of notes tasted. Discussion around the counter. Questions. Answers. Triangle testing. Smell. Crack the crust. Sip. Brew. Dessert. Coffee and sweets. Night falls. Talk turns to apologetics and theology. Analog life. Spring stars shine.